Plastic Surgery
Face & Neck Lift
What is a Face Lift?
A traditional facelift application is the surgical tightening of the middle and lower parts of the face in the shortest way. It includes areas starting from the lower part of the cheeks and going down to the chin and neck.
In the facelift operation, the skin is pulled towards the scalp and in front of the ear and the extra tissues are cut. If necessary, excess oil is also removed. Facelift operation removes wrinkles in the cheek area and tightens the skin around the jawbone and neck.
What is a Neck Lift?
Neck lift aesthetics tightens and smoothes the sagging neck muscles; improves the appearance of the area.
During this procedure, excess fat under the chin area is also removed and repositioned. Therefore, it is very important to perform the neck lift operation correctly. Otherwise, if the neck strap is stretched too tight or lifted excessively, it may make your neck uncomfortable or not appear symmetrical to your face.
Who is Suitable for Face or Neck Aesthetics?
For such surgical procedures, consultation with the doctor should be made first. The severity and number of any health problems may prevent these operations. Smoking increases the risk of surgical complications. Because wounds heal more slowly in people who smoke.
In general, those who complain of the following conditions may be suitable for these operations:
-Those who have wrinkles or sagging on their cheeks,
-Those with excess skin or fat on the chin line,
-Those with loose skin around the neck area.
Mini Face and Mini Neck Lift
A mini facelift or mini neck lift is a smaller or more limited version of a full face or neck lift. In the mini face and neck lift operation, less skin is taken to stretch the cheeks and neck. It is suitable for people who have a small amount of sagging skin and want a little more than the effect of filling. These are procedures that can be done in the early stages of aging.
What are the Risks and Complications
Face and neck lift operations may have some risks and complications. Some of these can be managed with appropriate care, medication, or surgical correction. Although long-term or permanent complications are rare, they can cause significant changes in appearance.